24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Station CM_WF1a, The Wah Ming House                          
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID
02-Feb-12 08:00 03-Feb-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.7851 2.9085 3373.07 3397.07 24.00 1.0663 1.0663 1.0663 80 185.3 260 Grouting  Wah Fu 919
08-Feb-12 08:00 09-Feb-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.7981 2.9418 3397.35 3421.35 24.00 1.1525 1.1525 1.1525 87 185.3 260 Grouting  Wah Fu 925
14-Feb-12 08:00 15-Feb-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.7981 2.9418 3397.35 3421.35 24.00 1.1525 1.1525 1.1525 87 185.3 260 Grouting  Wah Fu 925
20-Feb-12 08:00 21-Feb-12 08:00 HVS failure 
24-Feb-12 08:00 25-Feb-12 08:00 Cloudy 2.7873 2.8534 3445.35 3469.35 24.00 1.1373 1.1373 1.1373 40 185.3 260 Rock bolt and Rock out Wah Fu 946
                        Min. 40          
        Max. 87          
                        Average 73          
Remark: No data was obtained of TSP monitoring on 20 Feb due to HVS failure